A long long time ago in an internet far far away which had nothing to do with Star Wars this website existed in a different incarnation. I did exhaustive HTML, created original logos and that jazz. I even published the writings of some of my other internet friends who either didn’t have their own websites or wanted to contribute. I was blessed to have the friends who gave me work, but one of the best was from now major comics writer Ian Brill.
Ian Brill’s career trajectory as I understand it (but can’t completely confirm or deny) started off as an intern at McSweeney’s, as well doing freelance work for Publisher’s Weekly, Newsarama and many other comics journalism sites, back in 2008 he landed an editor position at BOOM! Comics, working on a variety of books until finally getting the writing reigns to some of the Disney Afternoon line from BOOM! Kids which is now known Kaboom. Ian has written Darkwing Duck and my personal favorite Chip & Dale’s Rescue Rangers.
Before all that though he was just another voice out there in the world of the internet and he wrote little bio pieces based on music inspired by the Nick Hornby book, Songbook.
It was really fun reading which fell under the title BRILL BUILDING, which had the double meaning of the essays being about Ian’s growing up, but also being inspired by the name of a famous building of musical history.
Luckily or unluckily (I’ll let him decide that) those articles are still sitting on the Pop-Culture Spectrum server.
I felt now with Ian’s star on the rise was a good time to share them. There are four articles and you can read them right at this link.