Contact Info/About Me

Pop-Culture Spectrum is the internet hub for Reid Harris Cooper (writer/artist/renaissance person).

The site features reviews of books, comics, magazines, video games, toys and more.  It also houses essays on pop-culture featuring video and photography.

Reid Harris Cooper has been a professional member of the Entertainment industry since they were 10 years old and a member of the media & marketing end since 1995.  They have been an actor, producer, digital painter, graphic designer, chef/caterer, event photographer, freelance writer, independent professional wrestling developer, graffiti/street art hunter, marketing department, editor, publisher and more hats than they can actually name, hence the title renaissance person.

Contact me via E-mail

Send Snail Mail:
Reid Harris Cooper
105-40 62nd Rd.Apt. 5A
Forest Hills, NY 11375

Or find me online at :