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Tag Archives: nycc2012
NYCC 2012: Digital is the Future- The Promise of NARR8 & Madefire
The future of comics is a precarious place, as print is still alive and well and should be for awhile, the digital format is making great leaps and bounds. From the advent of Comixology and its build in sales, not … Continue reading
Posted in Apps, Comics, New York Comic Con
Tagged animation, digital, digital comics, madefire, narr8, narr8.me, new york comic con, new york comic con 2012, nycc, nycc2012
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NYCC 2012: Leaping Tall Buildings Panel aka “Christopher Irving loves Larry Hama’s G.I. JOE A LOT”
As part of what was considered the Academic end of programming for New York Comic Con, there was a panel dedicated to the historical document LEAPING TALL BUILDINGS. Academic was fitting though as the panel was moderated by Hannah Means-Shannon, … Continue reading
Posted in New York Comic Con
Tagged christopher irving, leaping tall buildings, new york comic con, new york comic con 2012, nycc, nycc2012, photography, powerhouse books
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New York Comic Con 2012: Day 3
I made sure to be at Con super early to ensure myself a ticket from Mattel for the Dolph Ziggler signing. I ended up handing my ticket off to someone else in the end, but that’s another story for later … Continue reading
Posted in New York Comic Con
Tagged booker t, brad "cheeks" bell, bravest warriors, capcom, cartoon hangover, dolph ziggler, house of secrets, husbands, mondo media, new york comic con, nycc, nycc2012, remember me, sean hemeon, simon's cat, super fuckers, team husbands, video games, wwe
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New York Comic Con 2012: Day 1
I arrived at Jacobs Javits with time to spare on Thursday evening’s preview ensuring my press badge and getting on line to hit the show floor for a bit before heading down to the panel rooms for my one and … Continue reading
Posted in New York Comic Con
Tagged ben folds, ben folds five, christopher irving, comic con, craftsman, electrolyte, hitman, leaping tall buildings, lego, madefire, megablocks, namco bandai, narr8, new york comic con, nycc, nycc2012, seth kushner, square enix, tomb raider
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