So many videogames, so little time

This week inFAMOUS 2 comes out.  Upcoming there’s Batman: Arkham City, Uncharted 3 and so much more.  That so much more makes things so hard for an avid video gamer.  Now, I’m not super avid, as I don’t like Real Time Strategy, Fighters or First Person Shooters.  I am primarily an action/adventure or straight forward adventure kind with a love for 3rd person style.   E3 hasn’t even started and yet, there are announcements for games making me needing a $100 an hour job.  Some of them are games I knew about, but forgot, others don’t come out forever.  Here’s a small sampling based off of

Alice- Madness Returns American McGee’s return to his classic on new platforms is looking amazing.
NeverDead: The teasers never made me realize how huge this Konami game was, as more and more is shown it looks quite epic.
Tomb Raider: So far only a teaser trailer exists for Crystal Dynamics’ “Survivor” reboot, but what a teaser
Spiderman- Edge of Time: New video shows that Beenox didn’t just drop a new story and some extra dynamic onto Dimension’s but did a lot of rebuilding from the top down.

The biggest announcement of last week though has to be that Back to the Future-The Game will feature Michael J. Fox in its final chapter. I’m already a purchaser, but I expect this news to make the game go from where it is to another statosphere. Along with Claudia Wells in episode 3, this is awesomesauce.

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