Raw and unedited Biomutant gameplay footage on 5 different platforms

Stockholm, Sweden / Vienna, Austria – May 14th, 2021: Today, Experiment 101 and THQ Nordic released unedited gameplay footage on various platforms.
This unedited gameplay footage has been captured on PC/PS4 Base/Xbox One Base/PS4 Pro/Xbox One X.

Short comment on said videos:
  • Our PC footage runs 4k @ 60FPS (the PC version will not be capped framerate-wise, except for your monitor’s refresh rate and hardware)
  • Xbox One Base runs 1080p @ 30FPS with Dynamic Resolution
  • PlayStation 4 Base runs 1080p @ 30FPS with Dynamic Resolution
  • Xbox One X runs 1080p @ 60FPS with Dynamic Resolution
  • PlayStation 4 Pro runs 1080p @ 60FPS with Dynamic Resolution
Videos for current-gen consoles (PS5 and Xbox Series X) will be released early next week.

Biomutant is coming to PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on May 25th, 2021.

Digital Pre-order
The digital pre-order for Biomutant has kicked off on PlayStation®4, Xbox One™, and PC. You can pre-order the game now at your favorite store for an SRP of $ 59.99 / € 59.99 / 54.99 £. The game will offer the Mercenary Class Loadout as a pre-order bonus.

PC Pre-Order links:
Pre-order on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/597820/BIOMUTAN…
Pre-order on Gog.com: https://www.gog.com/game/biomutant
Pre-order on Epic Game Store: https://www.epicgames.com/store/p/biomutant
Pre-order on Origin: https://www.origin.com/store/biomutant/biomutant

Pre-order on Xbox 
Pre-order on PlayStation: 

Pre-order via Biomutant’s website with all our trusted partners:

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