Nerd Notes for 02/08/2012

All long form essays & reviews are still perculating in their individual cauldrons, and will soon be ready for worldwide consumption.  In the mean time here’s some tender vittles or Nerd Notes.

– Former child actor Brian Bonsall has finally done a full re-emergence with his various music projects he’s been developing in Colorado the last few years.   It’s all really awesome pop-punk and each band sounds great.  Worth more than a listen, but a whole playthrough.

– One of my new favorite blogs is Gourmet Gaming as it combines a lot of my favorites, video games, recipes and food photography.  Brilliant project and with refinement it’d be a cool addition to something like G4 or in the very least as a vidcast.

– I haven’t personally bought or downloaded the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad App David’s Diary, but an interactive book based on the works of David Sedaris in which he had first hand assistance in developing still calls to me to read and play.

– I don’t know how accurate How Secure Is My Password actually is, but it’s really fun to play with.

– Cartoonist Ward Sutton, well known to readers to of The Village Voice,  TV Guide and/or The Onion has been doing awesome comic book like reviews for Barnes N Noble for awhile now, but as it has really reached steam, I thought it’d best to mention Drawn To Read, especially when his Wikipedia doesn’t even.

BOY is the newest film by New Zealand’s Academy award nominated writer/director/actor Taikka Waititi and has already garnered many nominations and festival awards.  It’s coming to America soon and looks absolutely fantastic.

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