Nerd Notes 1-12-24

(I put this collection together in Jan and somehow never posted it… it includes trailers and music videos still noteworthy of the start of the year, so I am posting them along with captions)

In no particular order a collection film, game and tv trailers, music videos and tracks and other stuff from Youtube that caught my attention.

A wonderful song, but an even more wonderful music video showing the beauty and grace of Inga Petry.
This 2023 production didn’t actually land on Paramount+ till Jan 2024. I have of this date not been able to watch the entirety but am still interested to see it.
Jeff comics are so fun and the way they find to animate them is even better.
The first single from Black Crowes first new album in 13 years.
Katherine McNamara is infinitely watchable.
One of those FOMO type of things from a convention
The documentary was brillaint.
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